Installation with the window sill insulating wedge

Energy efficiency is an important issue in today's construction projects. Thermal bridges can lead to energy losses and therefore energy costs. This can also be the case with poorly insulated window sills.

The greenteQ window sill insulation wedge ensures simple and secure formation of the second sealing level and prevents thermal bridges thanks to high-quality, cavity-free insulation. Together with the greenteQ window sill connection insulating profile, the insulating wedge enables a secure building connection even without involving the subsequent trade. The window sill slope is guaranteed with a minimum slope of 5°. The insulation wedge has a basic length of 2,350 mm and is part of the greenteQ window sill connection insulation system for ETICS.

46 položky seznamu
greenteQ Hybridní montážní lepidlo 290 ml bílé fotografie výrobku
greenteQ Hybridní montážní lepidlo 290 ml bílégreenteQ Hybridní montážní lepidlo 290 ml bílé
ID produktu:2172748858
Balicí jednotka: Dřevěná krabička, která je součástí balení: 12
Prodejní jednotka: EACH